英语单词分类 轻松记单词

更新时间:2025-03-03 19:02:06
  • 词典解释

1. 重新加满;添足
If you top something up, you make it full again when part of it has been used.

e.g. We topped up the water tanks...
e.g. He topped her glass up after complaining she was a slow drinker.

What's more, ratings may set a floor under some capital requirements but Banks are supposed to top up their reserves if they have other reasons to worry based on their own analysis.(更重要的是,评级为一些资本要求提供了基础,但是银行如果由于其他原因经对于自己的分析有所顾虑那么它们应当留满它们的储备。)
In 1996, Surfer Magazine named Jesse one of the top up-and-coming wave riders in the world.(在1996年,Surfer《冲浪》杂志称Jesse是世界上最有前途的冲浪者之一。)
If the scheme followed the French model, it would top up credit-insurance limits, slashed by insurers for many firms since October, for a premium of 1.5%.(如果该计划效仿法国的形式,将会提高相关公司能获得的贷款信用限额,这一限额自去年10月以来,已经被保险商们以1.5%的保险费率压得很低了。)
Margaret Thatcher and Winston Churchill come close to qualifying - but both were fond of taking afternoon naps to top up the few hours of rest they got at night.(玛格·丽特·撒切尔和温斯顿·丘吉尔接近标准,但是他们都喜欢通过睡午觉来补偿他们在夜里的消耗时间。)
They top up their personal fortunes, polish their reputations, perform good works and indulge in their hobbies (skydiving, in the case of George Bush senior).(他们积累个人财富,提高声望,做一些公益活动和热衷于他们的爱好(蹦极,拿老乔治·布什来说)。)
The latest version can even top up its batteries with solar power, or send its owner a text message if it gets into trouble trying to climb a mole-hill.(最新的版本甚至还能利用太阳能充电;要是割草时,它在卡在鼹鼠丘上不能动了,它还能给主人发短信求救。)
Electric cars (at least the ones without petrol engines to top up the battery) demand that they do.(电动汽车(至少指那些没有汽油发动机来充电的车子)却要求车主这么做。)
It should also be possible for cities to top up the family grant. Rio DE Janeiro is designing a new programme, called Bolsa Carioca, to do exactly that.(对于城市来说,为家庭补助金充值也不是不可能,里约热内卢正在计划一个叫做BolsaCarioca的项目实现这一计划。)
The lender needs to top up its capital levels, but with larger Chinese banks in the same situation, it could find itself well down the pecking order if left to raise funds on the stock market.(投资者需要提高它的资本,但是,同样的情况,和国内大银行一样,如果把资金交给证券市场去集资,它可以按照支配顺序很好地走下去。)
Our hotel has a pool on the roof and I top up my tan as I sip iced tea and order an sundae.(我们住的旅馆屋顶上有一个游泳池,我边喝冰茶边做日光浴,还要了一份冰淇淋圣代。)
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